Hiba Khan
Each year, Michiganders brace for the cold as November rolls around. Some of these low temperatures can be not only unpleasant for us, but even dangerous. The average temperature in January dips down to 32 degrees, which classifies as freezing. This is not including the wind chill which can bring down that freezing temperature by as many as 20 degrees. It is important to plan ahead and make sure you have the proper gear to stay safe and warm this winter.
Layering is one of the most effective ways to stay warm in cold weather. Layering traps air which acts as insulation to retain body heat. When layering, it is best to use thin pieces of clothing that can be stacked with other ones. The more layers, the better. Using layers which are made with materials that are made for the cold such as fleece can also make a world of difference.
Having a good jacket along with other outdoor gear like hats, scarves, and gloves is crucial for staying safe and warm this winter. A good winter jacket works to block heat transfer between an individual and the cold environment around them. There are so many different companies and stores that make winter jackets. Some are more affordable than others since these jackets can include very high-quality and even rare materials. Companies that sell very effective winter jackets include The North Face, REI Co-op, and Lands’ End, and second-hand stores are great places to find a high-quality winter coat on a budget.
Space heaters are small but mighty. They are not only easy to get and usually don’t take up too much space, but they can warm up the rooms and spaces in your home or workplace. Often, the cold of the outdoors creeps indoors and this can be a major problem. Now, you are freezing not only when you step outside but inside as well, like you cannot escape the cold. Space heaters will solve this problem after just a few minutes as they blow warm air out into the space that needs it.
If you want to try something new this winter, heated clothing could be just what you need. Items like heated jackets, gloves, and scarves are created with small built-in heaters using thin wires and can be powered with rechargeable batteries. This kind of winter gear creates its own heat, keeping you warm in the coldest weather. Brands like Milwaukee and Ororo sell different styles and colors to suit your needs. While they are quite expensive, they can be super helpful for those who spend a lot of time outdoors, whether it’s for work or fun.
Staying safe in Michigan’s cold weather is crucial, especially with temperatures dropping into the negatives. With the right preparation, you should be able to keep warm and safe, and also avoid the risks of the extreme cold. Whether layering your clothing, investing in the proper winter gear, or using space heaters, there are plenty of ways to fight the freezing weather. So bundle up, stay safe, and make the most of Michigan’s winter season!