Sonya Barlow
Taking Advantage of Opportunities
Opportunities are ubiquitous. Take advantage of all that is presented to you and keep an open mind. You will regret it if you do not.
Throughout my time in high school, I have learned to appreciate and take advantage of opportunities. Sometimes I can be reluctant because I am apprehensive about the outcome.
During my sophomore year, there was a school trip to France, and I was on the fence about it. I knew that I wanted to go, but did not know the other students very well, so it was a tough decision. I am glad I accepted it because I made great friends and had a great time. It was one of my best high school experiences.
Even though I was always intrigued by the Man in Nature class, I was hesitant about the final trip; I felt unprepared to be in the wilderness for a few days. While there were some challenges and it was physically exhausting, I gained a wealth of knowledge about camping and canoeing. As a result, I became more confident about being in nature.
Experiences, whether good or bad, help shape us as individuals. So, when deciding whether to do something, always say yes, unless you are certain it will affect you negatively. Even if you do not have a good experience, it can still be meaningful because it helps you learn what you do not like doing.
Most likely, trying new things can be very surprising, leading you to feel more enlightened and confident in yourself, initiating endless possibilities, meaningful connections and a happier state of mind.
About Sonya:
Years on Hawkeye staff: 3
Plans for Next Year: Going to MSU to study journalism!
Favorite Hawkeye memory: All the times we finished an issue and we were all just sitting and reading it in class. Also, my favorite stories I wrote for the Hawkeye were “The sky is not the limit” and “Took a chance in France.”