Isa Halsband

Isa Halsband

Tips for freshmen

It feels like just yesterday I took that “aesthetic” photo of my friends and I jumping holding hands after eighth grade graduation (revolting, I know). However, that was four years ago. Middle school is now a distant memory, and my real graduation is less than a month away. Funny how time flies. But that is not what I am writing about. Well, not entirely. Dear freshmen, please recognize how fast high school goes by before it actually goes by. And make of it what you can, because at the end of the day, these are the memories you will hold in your heart forever. Ew, a little saccharine, are we? Anyways, here are five tips I hope you take with you on your journey through high school:


  1. Go to that football game. Accept that invite. It does not matter if you are an introvert or you would rather be reading a book in your bed. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will bring you so many unexpected memories. High school is one big learning experience, and while staying in the comfort of your home can seem like an attractive option, it is not always the right one.
  2. Shoot your shot. And not strictly in the feelings department. Try new things. Join a club or give a sport a chance. You will meet so many people and make so many incredible friends. This is kind of similar to my last piece of advice in that it is a little new. Uncharted territory, if you will. Stop worrying about whether or not you will enjoy it and see for yourself.
  3. If someone or something is bringing any amount of toxicity into your life, do not feel bad when you say sayonara. It is not your job to butter up the same people who treat you like dirt. In the end, you will be so much happier when you cut them off. And I know, you’ve still had some cool memories together, but it is a package deal. Trust me, you will feel so liberated once you stop letting them manipulate you. Lol bye! 
  4. This one is by far the most important. Do not, under any circumstance, let someone’s unworthy opinion influence who you choose to be. So what your style is not what’s trending. So what you like unconventional things. One day, you will realize that it really does not matter what other people think. People are always going to judge and project their own insecurities onto you. It is not your problem.
  5. Lastly, remember that high school is just a short phase of your life. Is it as amazing as every stereotypical 2000s movie makes it out to be? I will leave that up to you to find out. But good or bad, exhilarating or unbearably awful, it is four years. Just make the most of them. Because soon enough, you will be writing your senior column or submitting your senior quote and wondering where all that time went. 


So, in conclusion, enjoy it. Plain and simply enjoy it while it lasts, and that is really half the sentiment I am trying to get across. And with that, all I have left to say is, good luck!



About Isa:

Years on Hawkeye staff: 3

Plans for Next Year: Attending DePaul University in Chicago

Favorite high school memory: I loved pre-meet/game pasta parties

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