New Cultural Observances Calendar Filter Available
Beginning on January 31st, the Bloomfield Hills School District launched a Multicultural Calendar, created by the district Global Education Team. Over the past few years, the district has worked to include cultural awareness into school curriculum. The purpose of this calendar is to filter our large district calendar to all cultural and religious observances, in order to ensure that students and families are aware of the many observances that our diverse district recognizes. In an email to district families, Administrator for Social Emotional Learning and Educational Equity Margaret Schultz explains, “Bloomfield Hills Schools also recognizes it is critical that our students are learning about various cultures throughout the school year and curriculum, and that recognitions during these months/days are in addition to and support an inclusive curriculum,” said Schultz. In the future, the district hopes to grow this calendar to include all cultural groups.

Hi, my name is Kaitlyn Luckoff and I am the Section A Editor on the Hawkeye newspaper. I am a junior and this is my 2nd year on staff. Outside of the Hawkeye,...