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About the Contributors

Benjamin Saperstein, Editor-In-Chief
Hi, my name is Ben Saperstein and I am an Editor in Chief for The Hawkeye. I am in my senior year and this is my 3rd year on staff. Outside of the The Hawkeye, I am on the varsity tennis team, the middle school tutoring club, and the chess club. In my free time, you will find me solving Rubik’s Cubes and studying for my classes.

Cami Redding, Editor in Chief
Hi, my name is Cami Redding and I am an Editor-in-Chief for The Hawkeye. I am in my senior year and this is my second year on staff. Outside of the Hawkeye, I am in the Senior Company dance team at the Dance Academy of Bloomfield Hills, Student Leadership, and National Honors Society. In my free time, you will find me dancing, munching on Korean BBQ, hanging out with friends, playing the piano and listening to music, or taking naps with my cat Gidget.

Eleen Vaupel, Staff Writer
Hi, my name Eleen Vaupel and I am a staff writer for The Hawkeye. I am in my senior year and this my second year on the staff. Outside of The Hawkeye I am on varsity diving, gymnastics, and lacrosse. I am also apart of JSA and Model UN. In my free time you will find me playing with my dog and sleeping.