Recently, Black Hawk students have noticed a change inside the school’s front entrance. Gone is the conference room formerly known as the “fishbowl” and in its place is a new school store: The Perch. As of today, students have the opportunity to purchase Black Hawk merchandise such as sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, and accessories on campus, without going through an outside entity.
In conversation with various school sports teams, some of their merchandise might eventually be for sale as well. A collaboration with some art students may also be coming, giving design opportunities to students.
Recently, a logo design competition was held. “We had a perch contest to create a logo that was won by Austin Toma, in Ms. Pasternak’s graphic design class,” Ms. Osborn said.
“Right now, after-school or event store openings will be put in the morning announcements,” said Ms. Osborn. You can also create an appointment by emailing her at [email protected].
Eventually, the store aims to expand. Mr. Whitmire, business teacher and staff DECA adviser also notes that it will have a connection to DECA.
“Next year we are developing a class, and students in that class will be in charge of running the store, with more hours to come,” said Mr. Whitmire.
This store will also serve as a community hub with support from both the Level 3/4 class and the Linked community. Shortly, the store hopes to serve as a work-based learning experience for students, turning the store into something for students by students.
While the checkout system is not currently finalized, they are currently cash and check only, but may eventually expand into accepting credit cards and Venmo. There is also talk of charging to your school account.
The store is a very recent addition. “Dr. Hartley had a vision and it is now coming to fruition,” said Ms. Osborn. “Through his vision and the hard work of business teacher Mr. Whitmire and myself, we are putting it together with set hours before and after school, during lunch, and events.”