Course selection season
Writer breaks down the course selection process before the March 17 deadline
As BHHS students are approaching the fourth quarter of the 2022-2023 school year, it is time to select new classes for the 2023-2024 school year.
BHHS has a few requirements to graduate and it is best to start as early as possible to meet those requirements. The core class requirements include four English credits; four math credits containing algebra I, geometry, algebra II, and an additional math course senior year; three science credits including biology, chemistry of Earth’s systems, and an additional credit; and finally, three social studies credits that include world history and geography, U.S. history and geography, government, and economics. Other graduation requirements include 0.5 credits in health education and 1.5 credits in any physical education class, one of which can be made up through participating in BHHS sports. In addition, students need one credit for visual, performing, or applied arts and two credits for a world language. Students will need an additional 8.5 to 11 credits. All of these requirements are on the schedule worksheet.
Students must fill out their course selection sheet and submit it to the counseling office by March 17. Students will select the eight classes they want to take during the next school year and also write five alternative courses to aid in the scheduling process. Students may not turn in this sheet without their signature and their parent/guardian’s signature.
“Counselors recommend students to take their time thinking about each course that’s available to them, research each course by reading the course descriptions online, having conversations with their current teachers, bouncing things off of older classmates that they might know, talk to their parents/guardians, and have conversations with their counselors,” said BHHS counselor Jim Fogle. “It might be a good idea as well for students to consider looking into what specific colleges they are interested in applying to may require.”
In addition, Mr. Fogle suggests doing as much research as possible and using “Bloomfield Hills High School Graduation Requirements” (which was provided to the students when the course selection materials were passed out) as a guide is a good idea.
As always, students should take courses they are interested in and not what others are interested in. Luckily at BHHS, there are many courses to choose from that include a wide variety for everyone’s interests.

Hi, my name is Annalise Griffin and I am a staff writer for The Hawkeye. I am in 12th grade and this is my third year on staff. Outside of the Hawkeye,...